MomCo 2024-25 Registration

Please contact the office at 602-866-9191 with any questions.
Click the link below to register.

Online Registration

What is MomCo?

MomCo (The Mom Community) exists to meet the needs of every mom - urban, suburban and rural moms, stay-at-home and working moms, teen, single and married moms - moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be!

MomCo recognizes that the years from infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. MomCo serves mothers of school-age kids, providing community that grows with them as they mother. By building a safe and accepting community, MomCo seeks to deepen mothers who want to continue to grow into the best moms they can be and influence others for good throughout a new phase of mothering.

MomCo is about ... Celebrating motherhood
Meeting needs
Making connections
Experiencing God’s love... through relationships and resources.

For more information on MomCo, see the MomCo International Website

MomCo Schedule

ASLC MomCo offers 37+ gatherings per year, allowing us to form strong bonds and support systems.

All gatherings are 9:00-11:15am.

Childcare is provided the first four weeks of the month.
First Thursdays is a meeting in our Fellowship Hall.
Second Thursdays is Get It Done - a time to do what you need while on campus or just fellowship with other moms.
Third Thursdays is a meeting in our Fellowship Hall.
Fourth Thursdays is TLC - Talk Learn Connect. It's a chance for us to discuss important topics and support and learn about one another.
Fifth Thursdays (when they happen) are play dates.

We also host a Fall BBQ, a Women's Retreat, Spring Picnic, Mom Nights Out, fundraisers, Couples Date Nights, and other fun events.

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How you can help:

If you believe mothering matters and families are important please read on...

Do you remember raising your children and wishing you had a way to connect with other moms going through the same trials and joys you were currently having? Do you have the desire to rock a baby or read a book to a child the same age as your grandchild that lives 500 miles away? Do you sometimes feel like you have lots of time and no real way to feel fulfilled? Well if you have an extra 2 1/2 hours on Thursday mornings we'd like for you to inquire about helping with MomCo.

We are in need of "seasoned" moms called Mentor Moms. These ladies encourage the moms currently raising their families. You will help faciliate a small discussion group, help the ladies feel welcomed (and missed when they aren't able to attend by checking in with them) and give the "new" moms your tried and true ways that 'worked'.

We also need caregivers for our KidsCo...what is KidsCo? KidsCo is where our children, newborn to not-yet-old-enough-for-Kindergarten, hang out during our meetings. These kids, if in the nursery, need to be rocked, played with and maybe be sung or read to. If you like the smell of babies or enjoy playing with little ones, we'd love to have your time.

If babies aren't your preferred age group, then how about kids 2 years and up? These kids are cute as can be and learning like sponges! These kids need the care of people who like to play with trains, blocks, dishes, dinosaurs and read a few books. The kids enjoy a lesson play and always have a snack! If you would love to get hugs around your knees, then please don't hesitate to contact the church office 602-866-9191.

If you would like to volunteer we'd love to talk with you about your desire to help.

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RSVP for MomCo Meetings

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Comments from Current Moms

I know when we are all together, watching our kids play, that I can walk away without concern because we are a tribe that will look out for all the kids and I don’t have to worry.

I don’t know what I would do without this Mom tribe, it brings me strength and peace of mind, knowing I have these women I can fall back on, who have my back and understand

I am a part of another MOPS group at another church, but this group has really brought me out of my shell. I know ladies in the other group, but we don’t hang out or support each other outside of our meetings. This group is awesome because we see each other more often and do things outside of our meetings.