Wednesday Evenings
Through April 9th
6:00pm Lenten Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
7:00pm Worship Service in the Sanctuary
Each week will focus on a different petition of the
Lord’s Prayer, and, with help from Martin Luther
and the Small Catechism, we will use this Lenten
season to grow closer to God in
our communal lives of prayer.
We hope to see you there!
Palm Sunday
Sunday April 13
9am and 11am
Sunday services begin
in a triumphant
Palm Procession
into the Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday
Thursday April 17
Holy Communion Service and Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday
Friday April 18
12pm and 6:30pm
Easter Sunday
Sunday April 20
7am*, 9am, and 11am
Festival Services of
Holy Communion
*Sunrise Worship
in the Courtyard
Come worship with us!
In-Person Worship
Sundays 9:00am & 11:00am
15649 N 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85022
Worship Online
Live on Facebook
at 9:00am on Sunday
Our mission is
“to bring people the good news of
God’s love in Jesus Christ.”
Welcome to
All Saints Lutheran Church
Worship with us in person Sundays at 9am and 11am
Worship with us online Sundays at 9am
Access the bulletin for this week's service here.
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